Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Graduate-A True Classic Film That Could Be Enjoyed By All

The following article lists some simple,informative tips that will help you have a better experience with movies.Reviewing a true classic film of the 60's era broughtback some fond memories.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of movies. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

The themes of the film also mirrored the changes occurring in Hollywood, as a new vanguard of younger directors were coming to the forefront. This unforgetable film was directed by Mike Nichols who also produced "Who Afraid of Virginia Wolf".

Recent college graduate Benjamin Braddock is trapped into an affair with Mrs. Robinson, who happens to be the wife of his father's business partner and then finds himself falling in love with her teenage daughter, Elaine.
Benjamin is clearly uncomfortable with sexuality, but he is drawn into the affair with the older, but still attractive, Mrs. Robinson. Their affair appears to last most of the summer. All of their scenes pass in a musically-backed montage, showing the endless pass of time.The inspiring sounds of Simon and Garfunkel

One scene is edited so that it appears Benjamin is walking directly from his parents' dining room into the hotel room he shares with Mrs. Robinson. This seems to highlight the separation of him and his parents, though they all still live toghether in the same house.

Every generation says it won't happen to them. "I'm not going to be like my parents. I'm not going to sell out my dreams." Breaking away from your parents, establishing your own identity, holding on to what you know to be true - these issues are timeless ones - and ones that came blazing into the open in the Sixties. No film captured this better than the The Graduate. In a world of crushed dreams, Benjamin Braddock finds the meaning of having true love. For anyone who grew up during this period, watching it again floods the mind with what love really meant back then.

The film was nominated for 7 Academy awards including best picture,best actor,best actress,best supporting actress,best adapted screenplay and best cimematography. But to all's dismay, the film won only one award--Best Director

I remember it as being the best picture that I had ever seen.I feel in love with the red "Alfa Romeno" convertible that was used in the film. With the sounds of Simon and Garfunkel blasting in the backround, you got the feeling of not only speed, but also one of freedom. What a true classic movie!

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